Knitting Gauge: 16 sts x 20 rows with 2 threads on needles size 5.5 in moss sts = 10 x 10 cm.
Moss sts: 1st round: *K1, P1*, repeat from *-* until finished measurements. NB: The number of sts round the shawl will become odd on the round where new sts are picked up under the sts on row, and because of the twist in the shawl the sts will automatically shift and create the moss pattern. Therefore repeat round 1 througout.
Knitting info: Knit on a circular needle 80 cm long. It is important that the needle is long as it has to twist as a spiral.
Picking up tips (fig 1): (The wool used in fig. 1-3 is different to the one used in the pattern). It is the long loose end under the sts you need to use to pick up- see fig. 1. When picked up the sts tighten a bit.
Shawl: The shawl is knitted in a twisted circle from the centre of the piece towards the outer edges – this means you knit upwards and down at the same time. All measurements are for the total piece (not from the centre and out).
Bend the circular needle in the middle and cast on 160-176-192-208-224 sts (divisible by 4) using 2 needles size 5.5 with 1 thread of Alpaca and 1 thread of Vivaldi (= 2 threads)- use to needle to make the cast on edge loose. Pull out one needle, the sts on pin are now very loose.
Pick up new sts under all sts on round without knitting the sts on round (see fig. 1 and read picking up tips above – do not pick up under the 1st st on round). When finished picking up the circular needles are now like a twisted circle – fig. 2 = 319-351-383-415-447 sts. Now continue to knit in moss sts, (it is the sts on the needle tip which have to be knitted). The sts picked up will automatically come around to the needle tip later. After a few rounds the twist will become visible - see fig. 3. Knit in moss sts until the work measures 28-29-30-31-32 cm. Knit 2 sts in the 1st st on round = 320-352-384-416-448 sts. Continue in Rib, K2/P2 until the rib measures approx. 3 cm – at the same time on the last round knit a new st into every 4th sts = 400-440-480-520-560 sts. Bind off loosely with K over K and P over P. The work measures approx 35-36-37-38-39 cm.